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BoisNHeat | April 2024
"I think it tastes really good. It's got like a nice vinegar's got kind of like a cayenny heat going on, it's not too hot. It's a good cayenne sauce that has better spice because there's habanero in it."
Fuego Box | March 2024
"Packs a nice punch with those habaneros but man it tastes amazing too. It's not over powering, its not like going to melt your face off."
Mirabella TV | March 2024
"Both of these (Strawberry, Ghost Pepper & Blueberry Ghost Pepper) are amazing sauces!"
Mirabella TV | March 2024
"Wow! Flavor hits right away. Saltiness, vinegar, garlic. Heat from the cayenne just, pop, right on the tongue."
CanvasRebel Interview | November 2023
"When we formed this company, we wanted to have a philanthropic aspect from day one. As you can probably tell from the name, Hook & Arrow, we love the outdoors. We grew up camping with the Boy Scouts, hiking, and fishing with our father nearly every weekend and as we formed this company, while locked indoors during COVID-19, we realized how important the outdoors were to us. Being able to get out and go hiking and fishing during COVID-19 really kept us grounded."
The Heat Source Podcast | November 2023
"This [Cayenne, Habanero] smells, I really like the smell of this, like still very garlicky, but it's a very clean smelling sauce...Super vibrant red...Man, that's good, that's really good. So, hotter than the Cayenne, Garlic, obviously, still has that garlic flavor. You get the fruitiness of the habanero really well. Like, if you told me there was some type of fruit or citrus put in here just a little bit of something, I wouldn't call you a lier...It's a clean're literally getting the cayenne, the vinegar and the garlic and then the habanero. Nothing excessive, nothing extra that's needed. Man that's good!"
Brian Ambs of Revive Skateboard | April 2023
"It's delicious! I'm bringing this [Strawberry, Ghost Pepper] home, and uh I'm gonna to put this in oatmeal. This is going in oatmeal, tomorrow mornings oatmeal and it's gonna be amazing. I'm going breakfast with it...My son eats waffles for breakfast most days, he's about to be eating this hot sauce on his waffles, that's how mild it is...It is sweet beautiful deliciousness, it tastes so fresh...It's fantastic."
The Heat Source Podcast | April 2023
"I do like the consistency, it's not a thin sauce [Pineapple, Jalapeno], it has a good kind of chunkiness to it, but it does pour well. It's a nice lime-green color there...I like it! So the pineapple comes through, but it's not like you're just drinking straight pineapple juice, but it does kind of carry throughout the whole initial flavor. It's a prolonged sweetness, along with that kind of savory jalapeno with heat. You know for a green sauce with jalapeno it does have a decent amount of burn to it. It's a little hotter than I thought it was going to be...The lime juice, the pineapple, the jalapeno, I immediately go pastor, it has the acidity for that, it has the acidity, the al pastor, where if you're gonna cook that pork, especially if you're using pineapple with the marinade...this could add to that."
Daily Free Press | April 2023
"Brothers Sam and Henry Dziekan are the co-owners and founders of Hook and Arrow, an award winning condiment company. For the Dziekans, dabbling in spices isn’t just about building a spice tolerance, but rather curating an elevated flavor profile. They recommend spice-enthusiasts to support small batch hot sauce makers."
Hot Sauce Grotto | April 2023
"That's a refreshing sauce (Habanero, Orange, Ginger). The way the peppers come in definitely, I'm thinking salmon."
KTBSaucy | March 2023
"What? Oh my gosh. Most approachable ice cream hot sauce there's ever been. Oh my gosh. I detect no heat what so ever. Just thick, creamy, sweet, syrupy, blueberries. This like gave me chicken skin. That's so good!"

First Descents | October 2022
"Hook & Arrow and First Descents have a shared passion for healthy eating and the outdoors. That’s why we partnered up to release a limited edition hot sauce 2-pack for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Over the years, Hook & Arrow founders, Sam & Henry, have built a strong connection with First Descents offering their time as volunteers on our week-long programs. With a family history of breast cancer and a personal tie to First Descents, the idea for a Hook & Arrow x First Descents collaboration was born. "
The Heat Source Podcast | October 2022
"Oh, yeah the garlic comes through a lot stronger than like your normal Louisiana. Smells like it'd [Cayenne, Garlic] be a good wing sauce."
The Heat Source Podcast | October 2022
"I would put that [Strawberry, Ghost Pepper] on ice cream. I would put that on toast. Charcuterie board and like a nice goat cheese salad. That would go really good with goat cheese."